What is BuildPaste?

BuildPaste is a growing platform for Minecraft players to exchange and showcase their builds. It enables players to copy and paste structures into their world, upload their own creations, and share them with a community of creative players.

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To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Click in the top right corner and create an account
  2. Click on Edit Profile in the top right or navigate there through your profile
  3. Type in your Minecraft in-game username (NOT the Microsoft username. Use /say test to see your actual Minecraft name in the chat)
  4. Open Minecraft and open a world with cheats on
  5. Type '/paste'

Your Buildpaste and Minecraft account will link automatically and you can now copy any build you want or upload your own creations

Is this not working? If you can't seem to get your account connected, it's most likely one of the following errors:

  1. You set a wrong name by accident in your profile
  2. There is another account with the same Minecraft name

Check whether you set your Minecraft in-game name (not your Mojang / Microsoft name shown in the launcher). You can check it by executing /say test in Minecraft.

For the second issue, use /connectaccounts <e-mail address> in Minecraft instead to link your Minecraft account with your actual BuildPaste account.

You can paste a build by clicking 'Copy' and then typing /paste inside the Minecraft chat. This only works if you are logged in.

If you're not logged in then the paste command will be copied to your clipboard so that you can paste it into the Minecraft chat by pressing CTRL+V.

Additional information:

  • When logged in, you can
  • You can type /paste dontplaceair to paste a build without placing the air blocks. This is useful if you want to place your builds in water or in any terrain.
  • You can type /undopaste to undo your last paste

The Build Placer is a tool which loads the currently selected build and previews it before pasting. You can rotate the build and visualize exactly how it will be pasted.

However, you need to have a fully set-up account on buildpaste.net for it to work (see How to get started).

Additional information:

  • The Build Placer ONLY works for Forge 1.20 and 1.21, and NeoForge 1.21
  • Using right-click with the Build Placer without it having loaded a build, you can configure some options
  • You can bind the currently selected build to the Build Placer using the configure menu or /bindbuild
  • You can use /undopaste to undo your last paste

You can use Buildpaste on a Spigot/Bukkit server when hosting the server yourself. For that you simply need to install the Plugin

You can't use Buildpaste on a Forge or Fabric server unless you install a 3rd party service like MohistMC. It allows you to install plugins like the Buildpaste plugin on a Forge server, enabling its use on that server.

You also can't use Buildpaste on other multiplayer servers when having it installed on your own PC.

You can upload a build by selecting two opposite positions of your build with the 'Position Selector' item or by typing /pos1 or /pos2. Then look at the front of your build and type /upload <build name>
To share the build with the community, you can publish your build afterwards.

Additional information:

  • You can find your published and uploaded builds on your Profile
  • Your build will be listed on top of the Newest Builds after publishing


Note: All arguments surrounded by < and > are optional


/buildpaste <allowall|disallowall>

  • When given no argument, the command will show a short introduction to Buildpaste.
  • (Plugin Exclusive) The arguments allowall/disallowall will toggle the ability for players without operator rights to paste builds


/paste <argument1> <argument2>

Pastes a build. Argument 1 and 2 can either be the ID of the build or dontplaceair. But you usually don't need both arguments.

When executing the command without optional arguments, the build used for pasting is the last copied build on buildpaste.net


/construct <buildId>

Pastes a build with the items in your inventory. Can be used without cheats enabled.

  • When typing /construct a list of the required materials for the build will be shown
  • You can then click on 'Construct' or 'Construct Anyways' to paste the build
  • The items that were used will get removed from your inventory (for example, if the build contains 32 torches, then 32 torches will get removed from you inventory)
  • If you don't like how the build is placed then you can also type /undopaste, but you won't get the items back in your inventory.



Previews the currently selected build by rendering the outlines of it. A chat message is additionally sent with the options to paste the build and remove the preview.

Currently only works for Forge 1.20 and 1.21, and NeoForge 1.21



Undos the last paste that was made. You currently can't undo more than the last pasted build.



Gives the player the Build Placer wand


/connectaccounts <e-mail>

Connects buildpaste.net with the Minecraft environment. The command is not necessary in most cases because the accounts automatically connect when pasting the first build.

However, in rare cases, for example if someone else set their Minecraft name as your name, this command is useful. The command takes an e-mail address as an optional argument.




Removes the connection between your buildpaste.net account and the Minecraft game.


/upload <name>

Uploads a build to the database. The build can then be pasted or published.



Gives the player the Position Selector item. The item can be used to set the positions that are required to upload a build.
Left clicking sets pos1, right clicking sets pos2

/pos1 and /pos2

/pos1 or /pos2

Sets the first or second position of the two positions that are needed for uploading a build.



Removes both positions, pos1 and pos2.



Binds the currently selected build to a Build Placer. For this command to work, you need to hold a Build Placer in your main hand.



Lists the last pasted builds. You can copy any build again by clicking on it in the list.


/sharebuild <build-ID>

(Plugin Exclusive) Shares the currently selected build by the player, if they are logged in, or the build defined in build-ID

Plugin Exclusives

Share your build

When using the plugin you can type /sharebuild to share your current build with the server. All online players will then receive a message with two actions: Copy or paste.

  • 'Copy' will copy the build if the player has an account so that they can then use /paste
  • 'Paste' will paste the build instantly and doesn't require an account

Manage Permissions

By default, only operators are allowed to paste a build, but this can be changed by typing /buildpaste allowall. You can revert this by typing /buildpaste disallowall.

Additionally, you can give players individual permissions using a plugin like LuckPerms. The available permissions are:

  • buildpaste.paste
  • buildpaste.upload
  • buildpaste.construct

See the update on Spigot for reference: Permission Update

Technical Details:


Big thanks to Craftatar for providing player avatars until 2023/06/03. As of right now Minotar is used to provide player avatars because Craftatar went down for some days.